Ctrl Alt WoW - Virtual Reality Podcast
The Podcast For Those of Us Who Love Virtual Reality and Love Making Many Alts.
Monday Aug 04, 2008
Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 74 - When Life interrupts WoW
Monday Aug 04, 2008
Monday Aug 04, 2008
Aprillian and Ashayo discuss another week of playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard's great MMORPG.
The title comes from the fact that I have to go to a stupid family reunion .
What We've Been Doing:
I don't know what to do, if anything, with Ardrion. I have a certain fondness for him. He was originally named Ctrlaltwow when I started him on the server. He is now 43 and at 300 in LW, 300 skinning and 275 cooking. But to do anything else, he has to get to 50. Right now he's good for making armor kits for my lower level
Rilfire was fishing and not leveling, checked her skill window and she was 225/225. Did a quick search and found she had to go to Dustwallow Marsh and get a fishing quest. Surprised I hadn't done it sooner. She had to fly and ride to two different spots on both continents and fish until she got some speccial fish. Didn't take too long, just wish she had done it sooner and she would be levelling. Of course she got fish that she might be able to sell.
Monday night I got a little treat. Palanor, Glanthur's level 22 Belf Paladin, logged on. I tripled boxed with my 3 level 19's, Pri Orc Rogue, Relaq Orc Warrior, Ishaq Troll Priest, and the 4 of us went to southern barrens to do the egg collecting quest. We died a bit, but it was my first time triple boxing this treo and doing multi boxing without any pets. I'm loving the priest and the resurrection but I have to keep her alive. I'm thinking I might want to bring up a warlock and put a soulstone on the priest. Because Palanor was higher, he drew aggro off of Relaq but I can see as we get up higher, Relaq is going to be fun to play.
Wed morning took Rilfire. Pri and Relaq into Wailing Cavern. I wanted to level Rilfire's fishing from 225, but then realized Pri needed fishing too. I want to see if she can find a book without opening the crate
Rilfire left WC with Fishing at 252. Took her to Falcon watch where she killed and skinned boars. Trying to do more outland stuff, to get Outland greens for Auntrillia
Friday night and Saturday went to Family Reunion
Thread in Instance forum berating multiboxing
Rilfire went back to WC and got 17 pound catfish, sent to bank alt. 2Crazy level 10 belf hunter trying to tame level 11 serpent in WC Sunday night
EMA! (Extended Maintenance Again!) Decided to start the grind on Ashield and Asheal to get exalted with the Shattered Sun Offensive. Great way to grind for epic flying mount , plus the rewards are very nice for someone decked out in quest greens and some blues.
Ashayo's raiding group has pretty much Magtheridon on farm status. Wiped on 3% because a cube clicker died, but downed on next attempt easily.
Had the opportunity to play in the beta of WotLK. Completed the Death Knight starting zone. It's like an instanced area - can't just ride out. The mobs arn't static - there is a progression as the quests progress. Pretty much hit level 58 by the end, so straight to Outlands.
AIE's Guppers (Gruul and unusual punishment) downed Gruul for the first time this week. And one-shot to boot. Gratz all round!
Levelling shaman with RL friends. Run them through WC. Forgot to skill up on skinning, so was stuck at 75 the whole run. Ran out of time to do the escort at the end, so will be back! Fun to play with someone who has never played before.
The Great Mail Cleanout Hadn't done it for a while, and was reaching the point of mail being deleted. Decided to level cooking on Hiide (2nd account). Had rediculous amounts of meat and fish on an alt, was just a matter of getting all the recipes. Mage very useful for that - porting here and there. The Aldor rise has a brazier - which can be used for cooking! Also, can land near the Scyer fire and use that - and have a Scryer alt get spices from the nearby vendor. Got up to 365, and ran out of high level mats. But still have enough to level another toon!
Email 1 Hello to you, Aprillian and Ashayo!
Blade here...
To hear my email read aloud over the interweb was... I have to tell you... an awesome experience... To hear great celebrities such as yourselves endorse what I have been doing was even more so! Y'all brought a tear ta my eye... =*) but... to actually WIN your contest! Man... is THIS what celebrity feels like? It's AWESOME! I promise to only use my newfound powers of fame for good, rather than evil... hehe
On that note:
1) My address:
Screenshots! As per your request, I have enclosed a number of screenshots of Tahrzaan's (mis)adventures in Azeroth... I'll send more upon request... I mention a few scenarios on the blog I have set up detailing Tahrzaan's journey, but sadly I don't have any screenies of some (the Isha Awak kill in Barrens, for example)... and now it's too late to kill him...
As an aside, I was actually wondering if there was any tasks, hints, tricks or advice areas that you might feel could be an addition to your show. Oddball Stuff... or News of the Weird and Wacky... Or something like that... I will compile a list in the days to come and see if I can't come up with a whole host of cookies, "secrets" or other things to make peoples' experiences in Azeroth THAT much more fun...
Like... - the fishing book that allows you to see 'pools of fish' on your minimap, and where to fish it... - the new fishing quests (like fishing up Mr. Pinchy) - little 'easter eggs' in the game content (like while fighting your way through the Deadmines to get VanCleef's head you'll encounter a Goblin Shredder. Kill it (and the goblin that pops out of it, then look at the dashboard on the Shredder. Unless they changed it, you'll see a familiar face: Kerrigan, The Zerg Queen from Starcraft: Brood Wars. She appears to be the ruler of the goblins as well! Other goblin shredders can be found in Stranglethorn Vale, Ashenvale and Gadgetzan. - or other off-the-wall ways of making gold in Warcraft (or you might keep these tricks for yourselves... but since your count was at above 2000g as of the last podcast, I somehow doubt you're overly-concerned about in-game finances...)
If you think it'd make a good addition, let me know (or let's chat a bit so we can see whether personalities are compatible!)
Thanks again for the callout in the podcast! My co-workers were looking at me strangely when I suddenly heard my email being read over the podcast... as I listen over my iPod, all they saw was me cheering at the ceiling and yelling 'Woohoo!' =)
Thanks again for an awesome podcast!
Blade / Michael
thebladededge@gmail.com www.nakedmeleehunter.blogspot.com
Email 2
Hey mates,
Just listened to the podcast... As always a great episode, the link to mine is http://sacred.kkotd.com If you are looking for tons of them (quite a few from AIE ^_^) you can check out http://wowwiki.com/podcast They are trying to clean it up from all the inactive casts but it can take around 12 hours of your life to listen to them all.
I have to say you guys are one of my faves, so please please please keep it up!
Thanks, Dave aka Theranos (Fur an oes like in toes) Most people can't pronounce my name ^_^
BTW: Alt story, we took all of our bank alts out to Silithus one day, then as we hit Silithus we told everyone to hit the / key to walk. We said you could take any path but you had to keep walking! The first one to Southshore won 1000G for whatever they wanted... We started with around 20 people and ended with around 4 people two and a half hours later... O by the way we forgot to lay down the rule of no Flight Paths but as most of these alts had never left Ironforge, they only had 1 or 2 flight points so it still worked out. That has to be one of my most fun, alt related activity! I am looking for screenshots but I think most of the people have left the guild that took them so *_*... O well I will post screenshots for the Night Elf thing once we do it ^_^...
Email 3
Hey guys wats goin on been listing to ur podcast for about a month now and I thought you kno for being on the horde side u guys arent to bad lol jk. Ok so a lil background info im a Lvl 30 Draenei Mage on the Detheroc Server my name is Heon. Ok so my question is even tho im a mage and all mages main weapon is either a staff of a wand but if you go to a weaponsmaster i could either learn daggers or one handed swords would i benift or do more damge with the blades or shld i just stick wit the staff or wand. SO ya their it idk if yall cld help me out or you kno someone who cld ur help would help me alot. Thanks again and keep of the podcasts
Email 4
Hey again Aprillian and Ashayo, its Triaa again. This week I have a great addon for saving space and clearing clutter from around your minimap. Have you ever wondered why there is so many buttons around your minimap? Minimap Button Frame takes all of those buttons and then shows only one button around your minimap. When you click on this button it opens a frame showing all of the other buttons that were around your frame originally. One great advantage I have found is that it is supported both by titan panel and Fubar. Here is the link I recommend downloading it from: http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info7929-MinimapButtonFrame.html
On another note I finally bit the bullet and created the stereotype night elf hunter this past week. What I enjoy most about my hunter is probably my pet. My 22 hunter has a boar named porkchop :) The name was suggested by one of my friends in my guild. So if you are on the US Lothar Server and see a night elf hunter running around with their trusty companion porkchop don't hesitate to say hey. -------------------------- Thayloo- 70 Mage Triaa- 70 Warlock
If anyone has any questions about mods or anything pertaining to them you can email me at wowwarlock2@gmail.com
Monday Jul 28, 2008
Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 73 - No Maintaince Tuesday is Okay
Monday Jul 28, 2008
Monday Jul 28, 2008
Aprillian and Ashayo discuss another week of playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard's great MMORPG.
Episode 73 - No Maintaince Tuesday is Okay
What We've Been Doing:
Aprillian Unlearned Primal Mooncloth, for 50g and learned Shadoweave for 20g and picked up 5 shadowweave recipes
Made macro/buttons to make twobox work for different character combinations
Spent Thursday morning getting pets over to the Alliance. They are selling like hotcakes. I wonder if it has anything to do with the latest info on pets in the Expansion.
Authenticator and 3 accounts are fun.
Aprillian made a Spellfire bag (28 slot enchanter) for Auntrillia and bought a 20 slot Enchanter's Satchel, from the vendor in Thrallmar for like 12g. She equipped the spellfire bag, and put the satchel in her bank, buying a new slot for 25g. So now Auntrillia can de to her heart's content
Saturday morning Triple boxed in Outland, completing some quests that Apriliian had and the other 2 had done, and then they did the pooh quest together and going into that mine
Aprillian dinged 63 and got to wear another piece of the Netherweave set, gloves. But then I noticed her shoulders were from 47 and so I got a new pair on ah. Saw her old gloves had 8+ stamina, so I ran Auntrillia around trying to find the enchant, until I realized it was from a knothide armor kit and Rilfire could make them.
Levelling Relaq, level 19 Warrior, in mining and bs. Easiest levelling ever I actually got from like 40 something to 178 without hitting a node, just smelting. And AI makes it a breeze because it tells me where mats are on each alt, on the account I'm on but if I link to other alts, it tells me their mats and also what's in the vault. I had been saving so much mats, that I felt rich. I only had to go to the ah for some silver and gold ore, but not much of that.
I was focused on the outlanders but I'm ambivalent.
Ashayo's Heroic night - Ramparts and Botanica
RFK - Server failure FTL. Lost blue necklace from rare bat spawn.
Levelling Shaman. But just duel-boxing with Jekle for heals.
Levelling Mage. Hit 40 last night. Tearing through SM
Mage quests - needed SM and Uldaman
Completed all of Dustwallow Marsh / Mudsprocket (including mage quest to kill level 40 elite demon - soloed :)
Intending to do every quest in STV!
1st email:
Hey guys I love the show. I just happened on it and am in the process of getting caught up on some of the podcasts. My question is do you have one or two episodes that explain how to multibox? I have two accounts and always wanted to give it a try but wasn’t quite sure where to start. What type of system req’s do you recommend? How do you control both characters using only one monitor and one keyboard/mouse? Any recommended mods and or macro? What types of classes work well together? How do you select quests on both characters?
Sorry for the assault of questions, but it sounds like you guys are the multibox masters and I want to glean anything I can. Thanks again.
2nd Email:
Hey Aprillian and Ashayo its Triaa again sorry I missed last week, got busy with raiding and such. So this week I decided to bring you two addons. The first is a modification to your cast bar, It is called quartz. The advantage to using quartz is that it takes into account latency for when you are chain-casting spells allowing for maximum DPS for casters. Here is a link to download this addon: http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info7158/. The second addon I decided to feature this week is the chat addon which Aprillian comments on two episodes ago. It is called Prat and allows you to customize your chat windows even more. It removes the scroll arrows on your chat panel and allows you to scroll through chat by simply mousing over the box and using your mouse scroll wheel. Here is the link: http://wowui.worldofwar.net/?p=mod&m=4413. hope ya guys enjoy these addons, I'll be sure to have another one next week.
Comments from Ctrl Alt WoW:
Sender Info:
Name: Thera AKA Dave
Email: main@kkotd.com
re: Re: Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 72 - It's a Learning Experience
Welcome from Sacred Podcast... Awesome episode great idea for running undead into Stormwind, now we must return the favor and run out lvl Night Elf alts to Ogri ^_^
Episode: http://ctrlaltwow.podcastspot.com/episodes/71B82A
Email- Contest!
Hey guys!
Blade here...
I stumbled across your podcast after doing a "warcraft" search in the iTunes store... and find CAW to be a refreshing change. You actually sound like you enjoy the game, but don't come across as exceptionally techno-obsessed (the extra sound effects some podcasts have can get rather annoying and distracting)
... nor do you come across as 'leet experts in all things WoW'... you sound like your enjoyment of the game stems not from T4/5 or Arena Season 4 and end-game content, but rather from the experience of 'getting there'- and growing as individuals along the way.
In truth, I came to be searching the iTunes store after being led there by a website dedicated to tanking, as one of my alts (my warrior) has recently respecc'd protection
... and it was one of the few sites I could find that helped tanks not specifically obsessed with 'bleeding-edge' content and gear... for THAT reason, I put credence into what they had to say...
... which leads me to my alts, your contest and my 'unique and crazy' situation.
Like most players in WoW, I have alts.
I consider not one, but two characters my 'mains' (allow me to explain).
Bladetusk, 70 Orc Rogue, could be considered my 'main main' as 'Blade' is the moniker that I am known by within my guild; my 'main alt' would then be the aforementioned respecc'd 70 protection warrior, Bladeskull.
Rounding the list, is my 70 Mage (Greymalkyn), 65 Hunter (Wolftusk) and numerous baby alts including a baby shaman and baby druid who are acting as my bank and AH alts respectively... and there is one other who I will mention in a moment.
Now... I don't have many alts (not even as many as Ashayo, admittedly) but I *have* been playing them for a while... and because I do not at present dual-box, I leveled each of them one by one to the levels they sit at now.
For reference, ZG, AQ20, AQ40 and Naxxramas were but a twinkle in the developers' collective eyes when I started playing and even MC, BWL and Onyxia were 'fresh' enough content... I recently (masochistically?) did a '/played' on Bladetusk... and the number (approximately 37 or 38 days if memory serves correctly) doesn't seem like a lot... but if you figure one or two hours per night... 365 'nights' per year and 24 hours in a given day, then ol' Blade's been around quite a long time...
During all of this time, I have had plenty of opportunity to test and play just about every conceivable race/class/talent combination I can think of... and plenty of opportunity to realize what I prefer as a player (For the Horde!)... which leads me finally to my last alt and my own personal craziness.
Both my rogue and my hunter are my gatherers, and between them they gather every conceivable farmable mat... cloth, ores, fish, herbs, skins and motes from the clouds in Outland.
I particularly enjoy the hunter as it is an 'easy' class to play... often times, while I am farming (he's parked in either zangarmarsh or terokkar forest at any given time and I farm the bog lords and trees for herbs... breaking up the monotony of the grind to grab skinnable beasts or spiders for their netherweb silk.
Don't get me wrong... to play a hunter 'well' requires a certain amount of skill (the same can be said for any class) but I find I can turn off my brain when I play him... a nice relaxing time free from threat of dying... with his tanking pet, I only get concerned and use a heal pot when he's got more than 2 or 3 mobs on him at the same time... otherwise, it's a relatively effortless grind on my part.
I COULD make a great deal of effort (and some day still may) and learn the class exceptionally well and become an 'exceptional' hunter... but at this point in time, I prefer to save my focus for the rogue and the warrior...
And my other hunter.
I decided I wanted to test my skill as a player and stretch my knowledge of the hunter class 'tricks' at my disposal... but not in the traditional way.
So I rolled a Blood Elf Hunter... called him 'Tahrzaan' and stripped him naked.
No clothes.
Not even a weapon more powerful than the weenie starting dagger (the 0.9 dps one).
Interesting? Crazy?
Your first thought might be 'So what? With a pet tanking and the hunter at range, there's little danger of dying ANYway... so what's the big deal?'
Wait for it...
His ranged weapon is a throwing knife.
Yeah. A hunter with no ranged skills to rely upon... (dagger crit for 25 damage ftw!)
and when he leveled to 20, I got a huge boost in his melee dps with the addition of his skinning knife as an off-hand...
And that's how he's stayed up to the present day and level 31 (and counting).
Right now, he's been doing the tauren kindergarden quests to gain enough rep for his kodo mount (as Horde can't ride elephants... kodo's are the closest thing), tamed him a cat from the Blood Elf newbie area (named Numa) and ran him all the way to Darkshore and managed to tame one of the spectral cats from the cat figurine idols (the ones near the nagas). That one's named 'Sabor'.
(All names derived from the books by Edgar Rice Burroughs).
I log into this toon when I tire of the hum-drum of leveling/grinding or doing daily quests or farming on my litany of alts... and I must say that it is an eye-opening experience.
Mana is all-important... traps become almost a necessity, and aoe attacks are far more dangerous now than they would be normally... heck... more than one attacking mob can NOW mean death if I'm not careful.
I have been called a 'noob', been told to 'put on clothes', and 'lrn2play' more times than I can count... but some people are nicer about their curiosity... they simply wonder 'why'.
So I tell them.
Anyone can play a hunter. It takes skill to play a hunter well. *I* plan to play this hunter well WITH his handicap - both to challenge myself and to prove that it can be done.
So in closing - as this has become much longer than I anticipated - it'd be great if I were selected in your 'wierd and crazy' alt contest... but even if it is not, it would be great to be mentioned in your email segment so that your listeners might be encouraged to think a little more 'outside the box'.
- Gutrot the lv70 naked troll
- a pacifist priest that refuses to kill for xp
- survival hunters (like mine, but with armor and decent weapons)
- a warlock with no pet
- adventuring in the beginning (pre-BC) zones but staying on only ONE continent
Cheers for an awesome podcast guys!
We announced the winner of the Authenticator, but you will have to listen to find out who.
Tuesday Jul 22, 2008
Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 72 - It's a Learning Experience
Tuesday Jul 22, 2008
Tuesday Jul 22, 2008
Aprillian and Ashayo discuss another week of playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard's great MMORPG. Full Show Notes at http://ctrlaltwow.com What We've Been Doing: Aprillian Shadowmoon Valley - fp Altar of Shatar is Aldor friendly. Sanctum of the Stars Scryer, woohoo. Aprillian is Scryer, I thought becasue they attacked Auntrillia, that they were alliiance. There's a tailor at the Sanctum that slells Pattern Imbued Netherweave Robe, which Aprillian didn't know and almost bought off the aha Thursday morning got obsessed with levelling Auntrillia in enchanting and getting Treshel to the alchemy lab at work I took Aprillian back to the voidwalkers. Good xp, safe, for the most part. Rode out to Winterspring on Auntrillia and picked up 34 felcloth and almost a 100 groms Ashayo Got my authenticator (Thanks Aprillian!) Only protects game and account management website - not, for example, armory login or forums. No confirmation of serial number! Prompts you for code even if you get the password wrong - so it's sending the account name first. Good and bad side to that. 2.4.3 patch - First chicken mount! Yay! Cool new animation for Warlock soul well. Cro Threadstrong's yelling at the Fruit vendor is now a pale yellow, not red. Glaciuss (frost mage) is levelling much faster with Asheal tagging along. Hit 35 and stopped to level Enchanting. Vision Dust is hard to find! Ended up buying lots of silk to make cloaks to disenchant. Once past that hurdle, easily attained the goal of 275, and promptly disenchanted a whole swag of level 68 gear. Asheal did a *good* PUG! Botanica, and got a nice set of leggings for an upgrade. AIE Raid on Gruul's Lair on Jekle. High King Maulgar down! Gruul still picking us out from between his toes. Asheal and Ashield complete all the Shadowmoon Valley group quests with the assistance of helpful guildies. Woot! Gorefiends Armor - don't use the life steal too soon! New Video Card - Replaced ATI Radeon x1950 with Radeon HD 4870 with 512MB RAM. Yay, no more video tearing! Starting writing my first mod, based on ACE2. Looking to manage moderators in a custom chat channel. Comments:
jiraiya said...
yeah.if you need info for macro or want to submit your own macros, feel free to visit wow macros. make sure to include ur handle name and server.cheers!
July 8, 2008 4:08 AM
Albert said...
Hi. I use this Addon for my interface: Atlas, Atlas loot, Titan Panel, Damage Meters, Ghaterer, Omen, Proximo, Preform AV enabler ecc. What do you think? This is a package of my wow interface. It’s a file zip. Addons WoW
July 9, 2008 3:12 AM
Auho said...
Hello I would just like to say I love the new intro.
July 13, 2008 12:35 PM
Monday May 26, 2008
Episode 64 - Altaholism Revisited
Monday May 26, 2008
Monday May 26, 2008
Since the show is about alts, I thought we'd get back to why we do the alt thing versus playing one character to 70 Etiquette on PvE servers
What We've been doing:
Aprillian dinged 58! She's in Outland
Before that I tried to triple box ST
Netherweave cloth on horde side through the roof 6g for a stack vs 3g on the ally side
Friday morning:
Spent time moving stuff over to ally alt and picked up some more cheaper Netherweave cloth
Sunday Apr 27, 2008
Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 60 - Insert Title Here
Sunday Apr 27, 2008
Sunday Apr 27, 2008
iTunes and What's in a Name. I don't know why but Episode 58 that was entitled let's all grind was removed from iTunes. And Episode 59 was not showing up. I contacted iTunes and was eventually instructed to refresh my rss feed details and a few hours later they both appeared. Oh I did rename Episode 58 to Let's all Level.
What We've Been Doing:Aprillian:
Aprillian got to 50, yeah! in Felwood Kiling Furblogs. She flew to og to train Warlock and then she hearthed Shat. She wasn't sure if she had to run to Thrallmar, or if she could find someone who could summon her there.
Aprillian got Soul Link Aprillian bought Runecloth off of AH and went to Og, TB, UC and SM to donate 60 RC for 9550 Xp. She went from 65% to 89% just from that. She finished up and then flew from UC to Booty Bay, a little over 13 mins.
Friday I had to go to a funeral, took the day off thinking I could come home and wow
I made a major decision last week. I left AIE. Being an officer in a large guild is a big chore. I would like to give a shout out to AIE and all of its officers. You guys do a wonderful job.
Ashayo:Other Topics to discuss: Big Giant Scary thing from out of no where. Every zone just about has one. The most popular one is the Devilsaur in Un Goro Crater
Big Giant Scary thing from out of no where. Every zone just about has one. The most popular one is the Devilsaur in Un Goro CraterBottom Scanner has made me shy at the Neutral AH
I keep pressing r in AIM
Hi Aprillian and Ashayo:
I just finished listening to episode 59 and it was great. Another fantastic episode! :) I was wondering what you and Ashayo thought about ideal combinations for dual boxing characters.
I have 3 dual boxing teams (Priest/Warlock, Druid/Warrior, and Rogue/Hunter) and am finding the Druid/Warrior combination to be my favorite so far. I'm planning to spec my Warrior Fury and my Druid Resto. I use KeyClone along with custom macros in order to dual box without having to switch between windows.
I rotate between the three teams to maximize the rested XP bonus. I'm tempted to start a fourth team after listening to you discuss Mages. ;)
My teams are currently level 10, and hope to get one team to 15 by next weekend. Thanks for the tips in episode 58 for my professions!
HI Aprillian:
Ashayo had some questions about how to effectively dual box with software that manages your commands and I would be happy to answer any questions he might have. I can send a more detailed email, or even an audio response if you would prefer. I'll also try and find him in-game and chat as well.
Let me know if there's anything I can do to help or contribute.
Talking about Multi boxing
Sunday Apr 20, 2008
Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 59 - The Power that is the Mage
Sunday Apr 20, 2008
Sunday Apr 20, 2008
Aprillian and Ashayo discuss another week of playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard's great MMORPG. Emails and a special interview with a confirmed Alta holic and Mage rounds it out. What We've Been Doing:
Working on getting Aprillian to 58, she's currently 48. After she dinged, she went to Og to train Had her soloing in Felwood, doing the Jaednar quest, but she kept dying so I brought in Auntrillia
Started a Mage named Pia
Thursday Morning Since Aprillian was running out of rested XP, I took her to Tanaris to do the Gahz'ridian Ornaments quest. She would get a little XP from killing mobs in the desert and complete that quest for xp. Plus she can level up her herbalism. She started at 292, Collecting ornaments went well. There was an ally at the Eastmoon Ruins killing the ogres, and ignoring the ornaments and herbs. It was easy pickings. I had Pia on at the same time. She was over halfway to 10 and dong Fairbreeze quests. Aprillian finished and turned in the ornament quest and ended up with her herbalism at 295. She checked her log and found she had a quest to go to the Hinterlands. She hearthed back to Shat and then took the portal to UC and flew to TM. She didn't have the fp to Hinterlands, so she rode from TM. What a difference a few levels can make. I remember running through the Hinterlands and dying on other alts at lower levels who didn't have mounts. As she was riding around, she saw a ! in a Troll Mob village, she picked up the Venom Bottle Quest, then the Undamaged venom sac quest in TM. Which leads to a ZF quest. Good times. She flew back to Hinterlands and I left her in the inn to get some rested xp.
Meanwhile Pia's gotten to level 10 out that tower with the corrupted soil quest, and she's bumping up her herbalism from all the bloodthistle out there. She dings 10 and heads to Silvermoon to train. Along the way she passes Farstrider Retreat and pickes up 3 quests and then heads to Silvermoon. She gets the start of one of my favorite quests, the one where the buildins are floating in the sky. She also pick
Guest Triaa - Mage Every class has it's give and take. I started with hunters because I like pets and believe they are the easy button.
Thayloo -http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Lothar&n=Thayloo
It seems to me that the Mages get pretty powerful early on. Come on they make their own food.
Frost Nova and then fire. Spec fire until higher levels.
Happy Birthday to Matahorn April 16
Hello Aprillian and Ashayo This is Matahorn, a Dual boxer and a long time listener of the podcast. Also I am a fellow guildmember of Alea Iacta Est. I thought i would write to you and tell you how I Dual Box. I have 2 accounts but I play them together both on the 1 computer with 1 screen. I atl tab between the 2 characters. Matahorn is my level 70 Tauren Hunter and he is used to help my lower level characters through instances or hard any group quests. I am also an Altaholic. I will start on a server with a hunter because I find them easy to level and I really enjoy playing them. When he hits 70 I then use his great money making ability to help out my alts. Another reason I love alts is that they are great for having the different professions and not having to rely on the AH for my goods. Anyway I just thought I would write in. Keep up the great podcast and see you in the Game
P.s For the Horde
While setting up the podcast, I got an email from Glanthur. Always nice to hear from him. He writes:
Subject: Stalker's Chain Armour
My first complete set. The boots and the belt are not part of the set, but I wanted to match to look pretty. LOL. What do you think?
/Salute to you Glanthur, looks pretty spiffy!
Monday Apr 07, 2008
Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 57 - Playing for Fun
Monday Apr 07, 2008
Monday Apr 07, 2008
What We've Been Doing Aprillian Making Decisions: Felt a little pressure this week to level Aprillian and Ardrion, but at the same time, I'm getting antsy about money and all the money I could be making if I had a level 70. But I'm ambivalent, because I know even though I can push Auntrillia to 70, she doesn't have decent gear. And then it's HS all over again and I'm not in the right outfit. Some were silly, bought a 24 slot LW bag. Ardrion has two 20 slot leatherworking bags, one in bank one on him but always needs more room. Since they are boe and unique, when I upgrade I'll have to vendor one.
I took Ardrion out to Tanaris to grind and farm turtles. It was a win win situation for him. He gets turtle meat, skin and turtle shell. Plus they are all neutral, he doesn't have to worry about aggroing other turtles. Although in a rare instance another turtle will join a fight, only happend twice the whole time he farmed/grinded turtles.
I didn't spend as much time as I usually do playing. Did a lot maintenance. Clearing out stuff. Sending low level greens to Aunrillia to de.S Tay, my Ally Dranei AH alt is back to making money. I had some competition for a while, but it slacked off. I thought about this while I was transferring stuff in Booty Bay. It's a very tedious thing to do. You have to put each individual pet up for auction and then immediately bid on it on the other character right away. One time there was a bot there who snatched a cockroach away but I just overpriced it a bit and was okay. I imagine the average player doesn't have enough patience to do this on an ongoing basis.
I spent Thursday morning getting Auntrillia Enchanting to 100. Friday morning, Aprillian, Treshel and Ardrion went to Gnomeran, just for fun. Of course we were overpowered for the instance, being 54, 46 and 41 respectively. I loved it. We all died when that Shortfuse chick set off that explosion. Aprilian used a soulstone and was stuck behind a wall of rocks and the other two spent 10 or 15 minutes running around Dun Morogh (whatever) until they found the
Saturdy spent leveling up an alliance Ashayo I haven't played as much as I normally do either. Monday I spent some time with Asheal and Ashield out in Hellfire peninsula doing the 1st few quests. Then Ashayo came and helped Asheal get some quests done so that Asheal was a level or so ahead. Asheal is now 60.
Tuesday I was in Kara before shutdown to help finish clearing it. Got nightbane down with about 5 minutes to shutdown :) Wednesday we had massive storms that took out the power and internet, so I didn't get to play at all.
Thursday was Jekle's turn for Kara with the "drunk with power" group. We have lots of fun and took our time downing the first three bosses. As you've seen Tarqq has an open invitation for you when you hit 70 - regardless of your gear! Jekle and Hiide have been doing the new dailies, but haven't had time for the Ogri'la. The new bombing run on the Isle of Quel'Danas got nerfed in Tuesday's patch. It now requires less hits to kill the pit boss and the sorcerers, which is good, because it was taking too many re-runs, and about 80% of the time is just waiting for the flight to take you to the bombing area. Something I meant to mention last week that I definitely DON'T like about 2.4. Hunter's got a big nerf in terms of their mana regeneration. Blizzard made the mana-per-5second formula the same across all classes. For a class like a hunter where mana is important, but we have previously not concentrated on maximising intellect, we're at a massive disadvantage. Estimates on the forums is that you need an intellect over 400 to get the same mana regeneration you were used to prior to 2.4. I'm having to change the way I do fights, and take alot more rests , which is a pain. On the flip side, Jekle as a resto druid is better off. And Ashayo's minions are regenerating mana faster, so I can mana tap them more regularly.
One thing I want to do is to try dual-boxing two of the same class - probably mages. I want to try out the technique of both toons casting the same spells simultaneously. However the only software I can find to do this isn't free. I'm both hesistant about buying it just for a trial, and because it isn't open-source, I can't be sure that it doesn't contain a keylogger - since it's very nature is to replicate keystrokes (and mouse movements) Even though I've levelled my tailor past 300, I've been persisting with trying to get felcloth from the vendor in Winterspring. I was beginning to think that they'd taken it away in 2.4, as I spent hours there once and got nothing. Then one day I got 3 pieces in several hours, then another time I got 11 in about 2hrs. So the spawn rate seems very random.
Show Close out. Great Mods I've been using. This one came from Renata of World of Warcast Podcast Quest History http://www.curse.com/downloads/details/7388/download/42496/
and Pet emote
Sunday Mar 16, 2008
Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 54 - Hard vs Easy
Sunday Mar 16, 2008
Sunday Mar 16, 2008
Ashayo joins Aprillian in a discussion of their week of gameplay in Azeroth. The two talk about what they've been doing in World of Warcraft and alts as well as Dual Boxing. Aprillian admits to not liking some of the pressure in regularly run instances. They also discuss secondary sklls as they pertains to alts. Thanks Blizzard!
What we've Been doing
Went into Hellfire Citadel with Auntrilia (Level 63 Hunter) and Rilfire (Level 60 Hunter) with Ashoyo's Hilde and Jekle Hard for me to do the organized shooting thing. Setting up stuff, I kind of like to just fight. Ashayo knows the best ways. I felt a lot of pressure.
Went to Zul Farak with Aprillian (Level 43 Warlock), Treshel (Level 53 Hunter) and Auntrillia. I was doing pretty fine, of course Auntrillia is overpowered. I take my time make sure my 3 are in position
I mentioned in gchat that I was doing this and someone offered to join me. They needed some of the quests finished.
Practicing ignoring people in Trade - Cuts down for a small time. A couple of times I hit invite instead of ignore and people accepted
Secondary Skills:
I'm Nîmrod. I play a level 70 hunter main the Eitrigg realm.
On my main account I have the level 70 hunter, a level 70 warrior, and a level 45 rogue I'm working on. On my secondary account I have a level 58 hunter, and a level 45 warrior.
I noticed you guys were talking about dual boxing and I thought I'd share something not many people know.
I play on a Macintosh. I am able to play two accounts simultaneously on the one machine!
My Mac is a fairly powerful one. It's an 8-Core machine. 8 3GHz intel Xeon cores and 8GB of RAM, with an ATI 1900 graphics card with 512MB on board.
I have two monitors attached, an Apple 30" display and an Apple 24" display.
On the Mac, you just have to create a copy of your WoW folder and poof, you can launch two separate WoW processes. WoW is very self contained, not spreading crap all over your hard disk, and we Mac folks don't have to worry about antiquated constructs like registry files.
I log into both accounts all the time using the one machine. My performance is still great.
I've even done this on my Mac laptop. I open two instances of WoW on the one screen in small windows, but it works. I wouldn't want to play long that way though. It's much nicer on the large flat screen monitors.
I like the podcast very much.
Keep it up!
The American Heritage Dictionary offers two distinct definitions of animrod -- either a hunter, or a person regarded as silly or foolish. The dictionary goes on to explain that the second meaning probably originated with the cartoon character Bugs Bunny. The wily Bugs used the term in its original sense to refer to dithering hunter Elmer Fudd, whom he called a "poor little Nimrod." Over time, however, the "hunter" meaning got dropped, and the "dithering" connotation stuck.
Hi Aprillian:
I just listened to my first episode of your podcast (#53) and wanted to let you know that I thought it was great. I've subscribed to it through iTunes and will definitely catch future episodes.
I met Ashayo last night for the first time. We ran Shattered Halls together and he mentioned the podcast. He was fun to group with and an excellent guest on your show.
Best of luck to you, Molsan
Wednesday Feb 20, 2008
Wednesday Feb 20, 2008
Aprillian and Glanthur talk about the latest events in Azeroth and how they affect their alts. We all know the main point of Lunar Festival, to get flight paths for lower level alts. And in the middle of it, I got Valentine's Day Fever.
What a crazy week.
I spent the whole week running around Azeroth. I didn't get to do any quests. All of my alts have major exp. We all know the main point of Lunar Festival, to get flight paths for lower level alts. And in the middle of it, I got Valentine's Day Fever.
Hey Aprillian and Glanthur, its triaa again (70 lock) I don't know if you had this answer questioned yet, but in episode 48 the question of what the choice between infernal or felhound was raised. Waht the choice in these quests is the choice of one of the two different offhand items, if i remember correctly, the infernal is for increasing the damage of fire soells in the destruction tree, what the felhunter choice gives you is an increase in shadow damage, such as those in the affliction tree. However in my opinion what you get from outland easily outdoes these quickly, unless you really need the experience I recomend skipping them. They are a very long and almost now pointless chain. Well thanks guys keep up the good work on the podcast.
Triaa 2nd Email
Hey Aprillian and Glanthur, its Triaa again(70 lock). I had an experience this past week where I helped to explain the different talent trees to a 60 lock who did not really understand them. This showed me that no matter how long you have been playing your class you can always learn something new, so I thought I'd give a quick overview of how I personally level a warlock. However I do recommend you play your class however you want, these are just my personal opinions. I personally found for the ranges of 10-49 having an affliction lock is actually the easiest way to go. And then after 50, I respecced to demonology for the Felguard, best choice I ever made on my warlock. The Felguard provides an amazing tank, and some of the spells you get in the demonology tree improve your character's abilities incredibly. I thought I would include a spec that i used at 50 and one i am currently using to farm at 70. If you guys ever have any warlock questions don't be afraid to ask. Keep up the good work.
Here is the spec i used at level 50- http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classes/warlock/talents.html?0000000000000000000002052030131250102501251000000000000000000000
And the one I use at 70- http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classes/warlock/talents.html?0501220510000000000002052030131250103521351000000000000000000000
3rd Email
Welcome to Dual-Boxing Glanthur!
I agree with Aprillian ... FFA FTW, and get the follower to complete the quest first ... ALMOST.
Why "almost"? When doing grinding quests such as "go find me 30 human heads", and you kill 10 humans and only 2 of them turn out to have heads, (go figure) I found that it's faster while both character have the quest. If one character completes the quest, the drop rates seems to drop. I guess it makes sense mathematically. So I get the follower up to 29 heads, then work on the followee, so they both finish about the same time.
Glanthur is leaving. RL sucks sometimes.
Ashayo has graciously accepted
Sunday Dec 02, 2007
Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 45 - Play Your Way
Sunday Dec 02, 2007
Sunday Dec 02, 2007
Aprillian and Glanthur discuss the many play styles of WoW. Talk about what they've been doing, re-entry into WoW after taking a few days off, developments in the Guild Bank and going back to Basics to RTM!
What We've been doingAprillian
OK, It's that time of year again -- when everyone goes to the mall. So, work has really picked up. And, because of that I have very limited time for World of Warcraft. Now, I know a lot of people think that there's ALWAYS time for WoW, and you're right. However, last week also marked the release of Mass Effect, an Xbox 360 RPG that I had been waiting patiently for. New always takes the place of old, but I find that WoW is like your comfort foods. You may want to try snails, you may even like snails, but grilled cheese sandwiches will always be delicious. But, going back into WoW after some time away can be disorienting. Here are some things that I do to help get me back in the saddle again (which ever mount it happens to be):
- Challenge allies to duels outside a capital city. This will help you refamiliarize yourself with your hot keys and keyboard layout. The point is that it's OK to die. Better than running to your corpse across STV.
- Look over your quest and remember "The Tubes" are a great resource. Get your bearings and remember all those quest items and XP you were lusting after
- Go shopping. Nothing gets you back in the mood than a little spending spree at the AH. What good is fake gold if you don't spend it. Splurge and get those blue leggings you have been craving. If you're low on gold, then spend some cash on materials for professions. Leveling your professions also helps get me back into the swing of things.
Play your own way
Working out Guild Bank issues
Back to Basics
Strength (STR)
Increases your Attack Power with melee and ranged weapons. Increases the amount of damage you can block with a shield.
Agility (AGI)
Increases your Attack Power with ranged weapons. Increases your Armor. Increases your chance to score a critical hit with a weapon. Increases your chance to dodge attacks. Increases your Attack Power with melee weapons (rogue, hunter, and druids in cat form only).
Stamina (STA)
Increases Health. Increases your pet's Stamina.
Intellect (INT)
Increases Mana. Increases your chance to score a critical hit with spells. Increases the rate at which you learn weapon skills. Increase your pet's Intellect.
Spirit (SPR)
Increases Health regeneration rates out of combat and Mana regeneration rates when not casting spells.
Next week
Dual Boxing reintroduction